Therapy for Depression in Fresno and online for all of California

Life does not have to feel like a chore


Do the demands of life feel like too much?

Everyday tasks like cooking and going to work are becoming too much. You dream of laying in bed safe from the world and all its demands. Life is seriously overwhelming and you just can’t seem to “adult” right now. When you are able to get the day going you ask yourself “what is the use?” The things that you enjoyed before don't excite you now. Life feels purposeless.

 You can reconnect with your life again.

Depression does not have to be the story of your life.

Does this seem familiar?

You muster up your energy and try your best to be engaged in life, you got all the PTA meetings, coordinate the family gatherings, or maybe even take the extra assignments at work, and afterward, you feel drained. You feel exhausted and you don’t understand why. After all, you should be able to, right?

No matter how much you push yourself to do better, you feel like a failure. You become irritable and withdraw from your family and loved ones. Perhaps you noticed that your motivation at work has declined, and getting out of bed is getting harder every day. You don't go out with friends because it feels too draining. You numb this sense of emptiness with anything else including food and /or social media.

You wonder why you feel like this. You have your job, your family, and kids, and you may say to yourself. “I have nothing to be depressed about.” You notice you criticize yourself more with the hopes that this will snap you out of it. You find yourself.

It may feel impossible now, but you can experience motivation again, and life can have meaning. You can feel connected to your family and friends and to yourself. You can be active in your life and have hope for the future. I can help you get there

In therapy, you will learn about your depression and gain insight into the narrative of your life in a manner that makes sense to you. You will learn different strategies to help you support your emotions in a manner that is healing. Throughout our work together, you will learn to cultivate self-compassion and reconnect with yourself in a way that is nurturing and soothing to your emotions. The work you put into yourself can translate into long-lasting relief.

What if you could break out of your depression?

Therapy for depression can help you…

  • Gain insight 

  • Develop self compassion and healing 

  • Learn how to connect to your emotions 

  • Improve your selfesteem

  • Find the spark in your life

  • Reconnect with yourself and your loved ones

  • Find purpose and meaning

  • Experience long lasting relief.

Frequently asked questions about therapy for depression


  • Depression comes in many forms. If you experience low mood, feeling sad, irritable or angry, having less energy to do certain things, losing interest or enjoyment in activities you used to enjoy, becoming tired more easily, feeling guilty or worthless you may have depression.

  • In treatment, together, we will explore what may have contributed to your depression. Sometimes it’s not the bad things that happened; however, it is the absence of the good things that can leave a mark.

  • When a person is depressed there are several action steps they can take support themselves. A few great tips can be found at:

  • Yes! EMDR can be an effective form of treatment for depression. Click here to learn more.

  • Call/text me at 559-313-1398 or e-mail me at to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.